All posts by A. L. Phillips

Savvy Saturday – Cultural Inspirations

The world around us is a never-ending source of inspiration for stories. The physical environment shapes our culture. Our culture shapes our values. Our values shape our desires, goals, and dreams. All of the above shape our stories.

Today’s Savvy Saturday post highlights three unique values and practices found outside the United States of America, from the point of view of a novelist.

1. Gemutlichkeit (German) or hygge (Danish): a concept that ties being in a warm or cozy place with being in a mental state of well-being, good cheer, belonging, and relaxation.


This concept, though English doesn’t have the word for it, is at the core of many of our Christmas season songs. The weather may be dreadful, and the night outside may be dark and bitter, but inside, we can celebrate having the comfort of home and good friends and family, a bright fire, good music, a hot beverage, and a warm heart and spirit.

This concept could be put to good use in a fantasy context. One could imagine a society that seems cold and hard as the ice and snow that cover the ground all year. Going outside is an ordeal to be faced with determination, and thus work, travel, and any contact with outsiders is conducted grimly and efficiently. Ambassadors from this land, when far from home, would maintain their rigidity and cool demeanor as they have been taught. They might be seen as brusque, hard, and even ruthless to people from other lands. But at home – ah, at home, these people transform into different versions of themselves – people whose hearts are merry and whose countenances are bright. Ruddy good cheer and laughter emerge as the icy external face of society melts away, and all who gather around the table throw off the cares of the world outside and embrace the joy of togetherness. What kinds of stories could be told about clashes of cultures? Of travelers from other lands who think these people to be heartless, having never experienced the heart of their society. Of the travelers from this society who discover that people in other lands face less severe threats, but their joys are less felt as well. Stories of love and discovery; stories of war and misunderstanding; stories of snow and fire and separation and redemption. What story would the concept of gemutlichkeit inspire for you?

2. La Tomatina, a tomato-throwing festival in Valencia, Spain.


Twenty thousand people come to this town every year to throw tomatoes at each other for an hour, just for the sport of it. The festival traces its origins back to 1945, when some boys got in a scuffle with a parade participant, who began throwing tomatoes at them. It turned into a town-wide event over the years, and the government eventually gave the festival its seal of approval. It is now a major tourist attraction – plus, the acidity from the tomatoes cleans the town’s cobblestone streets, leaving them in pristine condition after the tomato pulp is washed away.

This example goes to show that nearly anything can be turned into a believable festival – especially if you have rich tourists in neighboring cities who you can convince to come and take part, and part with their money at the same time. Remember, this is the same country that features the Running of the Bulls, where people literally let themselves be chased by stampeding large animals with horns, just to show that they’re fast enough not to die. What strange festivals and celebrations might your fantasy world celebrate? How did they get started? What is the attraction of this festival for participants and outsiders? What “normal” societal rules are suspended for the duration of the festival? How often do people die? Is there a prize for the winner? Details like this can make your world come to life and stick with readers long after they’ve finished reading your book.

3. Shinrin-yoku: a Japanese health concept involving taking short trips to a forest and breathing in the aromatic air there for health benefits.


The health benefits of spending time in nature have been discussed and expounded upon by scholars in various cultures. What if, however, the stakes for spending time in nature, or in a particular forest, were much higher? One could easily imagine that a druid or other sorcerer could hold an entire people in thrall by infecting them with a magical disease that could only be kept at bay through regular visits to a forest, where the trees and other plants would emit an air-borne counter to the disease’s effects. Alternatively, this curse might have been the guarantor of a standard loyalty pledge given by peasants in ancient times, that they would not leave the land of the nobleman whom they served. After hundreds of years, however, society may have progressed and history been forgotten, leaving only the knowledge that periodic trips to the forest are vital for maintaining one’s health.

Based on this cultural belief, two (or more) different kinds of stories could unfold. First, a traveler might come to town, get infected, and need to identify the cause of the curse and how to break it, even as the locals insist that the forest is good and life-saving rather than being the source of their illness. Alternatively, a daring girl might decide to leave the village and see the world, but take some potted plants from the forest with her to keep her in good health. This might work for a while, as the plants emit a certain amount of the required chemicals, but it is not enough. Over time, the girl begins to sicken, and she must find a way to break the curse – or find another forest to cure her – before she dies. Of course, these are just two examples; how might you incorporate this cultural idea into a plot?

As authors, we should be grateful for and inspired by the rich cultural diversity of the world around us. Fantasy authors shouldn’t settle for creating forgettable societies; we should strive to incorporate things into our worlds’ physical landscapes (e.g. forests) and cultural landscapes (e.g. festivals and social practices) that will deeply impact the values and desires of our characters, and thus drive our plots to stick in readers’ minds and keep them turning pages and coming back for more.

What books have you read that have done this well? What other cultural practices or values might inspire a thoughtful fantasy setting?

Ultimate Reading Quest Update

Check this out! Just a few more days to go on the Ultimate Reading Quest that I’m a part of – enter to win neat prizes, including Amazon gift cards and free books!

URQ Poster3What do pirates, explorers and children have in common? They all love treasure hunts!

THE ULTIMATE READING QUEST will end on Monday, January 19th, at midnight. This is your last chance to explore new books and authors, and to take home free prizes and books. Plus, one lucky winner, will get a


To enter your name for this SPECIAL TREASURE you must prove yourself worthy by collecting the 49 letters of a secret message! Just by reading this post you already have two of the letters (A and B).


Find the rest within the Quest, writing them down as you go. When you have all 49, unscramble them to decode the secret message. Enter the exact words of the message in the Mystery Prize Rafflecopter right here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

As you’re searching for the letters, be sure to leave a comment for each and every author. Not only will you get to chat with the amazing Quest authors, but each comment will earn you extra entries in the general Quest prize giveaway that includes an astonishing XX free prizes and gifts!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What are you waiting for? Click this button to start collecting the rest of the letters. Then return here and enter to TAKE THE TREASURE!



Savvy Saturday – Complex Characters are Our Friends

One tip for writers I read recently was as follows: the best stories are made of simple plots about complex characters. This is a nice maxim, but somewhat difficult to implement. What makes a complex character? Well, many things. But here are three tips to get you started:

  1. Complex motivations.

Just like real people aren’t driven toward a single goal with a single purpose, but instead have multiple purposes that lead them to make sometimes seemingly irrational choices, good complex characters have motivations that pull them in different directions. Alaric, for instance, hero of The Quest of the Unaligned, has a strong sense of duty, coupled with a drive for personal success. He also, however, tends to shrug off risks when he alone bears the consequences, or when he thinks that he can handle whatever may face him. These different motivations pull Alaric in opposite directions when a threatening situation arises, depending on who else is involved in the situation, what he believes his duty to be, and how dangerous the threat appears. As opposed to a robot or a Black-Robed-Evil-Mastermind who will always act in the same way, Alaric will judge the situation and act how he thinks best.

  1. Complex worries, fears, and weaknesses.

Similar to the above, good characters won’t have just a single weakness or fear that keeps them from achieving their goals. While one weakness may be the point of the story – the one that they eventually overcome – overcoming it should not turn the character into a perfect individual. The other main character of The Quest of the Unaligned, Laeshana, has a number of fears that she attempts to keep from controlling her. They aren’t all spelled out for readers, but they shape the way she reacts to situations. First, she hates being looked down upon for her background, and tends to react heatedly to insults by Cadaeren’s nobles. More personally, she is afraid of losing Alaric, and is thus especially bothered by his stubborn refusal to learn things that could save his life. She also worries about the future of her country, while feeling frustrated that she is in many ways powerless to change anything.

  1. Complex interests and personality traits.

As I’ve discussed in previous posts, one powerful way of giving characters depth is to give them a hobby or other trait that is “irrelevant” to the story. Maybe your juggler loves insects and collects interesting specimens in each town the circus visits. Maybe a thief took a few years of music lessons in his/her childhood and still plays. Maybe a banker spends every Saturday afternoon hiking with his brother and enjoying nature. As real people, we have a multitude of roles we play and facets to our lives; to reflect reality and give a rich story experience to readers, authors therefore must represent our characters as real people to our audiences.


What are some of your favorite “real” characters from a book? What about them made them feel alive to you?

Savvy Saturday: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope 2015 is your best year yet!

This year, I’m planning to write more short stories set both in Cadaeren and in Alepago. I quite enjoyed playing with the new Cadaerian duo of Wittanruahk and Tempest, his magical loon, and hope to write more adventures about them in the future. Want a teaser? Here’s the first couple of paragraphs from my newest short story: Witt and Wind and the Bloody Solstice Stealer!


“You know what I love about the Festival of Balance, Tempest?” Witt asked the loon floating near his shoulder. Or, more accurately, floating in a half-sphere of water suspended near his shoulder in midair. Their ability to carry their own lakes with them was one of the Shamainis Lake loons’ more peculiar attributes.

Tempest, however, was even more peculiar than most. You? he replied directly to Witt’s mind, looking up from preening his wing-feathers. Amusement glinted in his intelligent sapphire eyes. I’d guess the free-flowing ale that inclines the peasantry to actually laugh at your jokes.

“Very funny.”

But entirely accurate.

“Fine. Besides that.” Witt took his bearings as he spoke, spinning in a circle in the knee-deep snow the two of them had just materialized into. The afternoon sun reflected blindingly off snow-covered fields in three directions, and off a large snow-covered hill to the south. A small town was nestled at the base of the hill: Snowhaven, the birthplace of the three most popular winter solstice carols in Cadaeren. Assuming, of course, that Lord Yaretzin’s ruahks hadn’t played a practical joke on him by giving him directions to the wrong tiny peasant town in the middle of nowhere.

Not that it mattered to Witt. Whether the town was Snowhaven or not, there would be something there worth seeing, hearing, exploring, or exploding. There always had been, in the five years since he had earned his white sash and set out on his own. It kept life interesting.



Have a wonderful week, everyone! Happy 2015!

Savvy Saturday: The Constant Author

The presents are unwrapped, the carols are sung, guests have said their farewells, and Christmas is over for another year. Now’s the time to sit back with a mug of cider or hot chocolate, watch the snow fall out the window, and enjoy a good book! (If you’re in the mood for something from Cadaeren, of course, you can take the Cadaerian Christmas Challenge to gain access to my new “Noble Memories” story…)  What books or stories have you been reading this holiday season that you’re most excited about?

mistbornI just finished Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, and continue to be impressed with him as a fantasy novelist. This series is not quite as good so far as his later works (namely, The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance, the first books of his new “Stormlight Archive”), but it’s definitely worth a read. It’s interesting seeing how different authors’ systems of magic, views of society, and character motivations are similar across their separate fantasy worlds. Because of this, reading Mistborn after the first two of the Stormlight Archive is almost like reading an early draft imagining of the later series.

For instance, the male main characters in Mistborn seems almost like a slightly less developed (though different) version of his main character in The Way of Kings: driven at his core by a sense of right and wrong and protection of those who are in his care, but also with a bitter hatred of the noble ruling class who have wronged him in some way. Similarly, both books include a magic power that involves gravitational manipulation that isn’t quite flying, but achieves much the same goal: characters can in one series “push” or “pull” against metal to direct themselves through space, while in another series they “lash” themselves to an object with magic, which makes that direction “down” gravitationally. It works well in both series, but it’s similar enough that you can tell that they were written by the same author who has certain ideas about how flying “should” work.

Honestly, it makes me wonder what types of similarities readers would find in my own work across my fantasy worlds. I think of them as being completely separate, with very different types of narratives, ways in which societies work, and rules of magic. However, I’m sure that there are similarities that I don’t see – aspects that are included because I think they’re neat, or because they make sense, or simply because I’m used to writing in that way. It would be interesting to see what readers think.

Have you experienced this “author similarity” across worlds in the books you’ve read? Leave a comment below, I’d love to hear from you!

Merry Christmas!

hollyMerry Christmas to all! I hope your day is bright, peaceful, and filled with joy and love.

As my Christmas present to you, my faithful readers, I’m excited to share with you the culmination of the Cadaerian Christmas Challenge: a fairy tale I wrote this summer. You’ll find that it mirrors one of our own Brothers Grimm fairy tales quite closely, but with enough tweaks and twists to make it something new and wholly Cadaerian.

You can find the story, titled “Noble Memories,” on this website. However, as you’ll notice, it’s password protected. What’s the password, you ask? Take the Cadaerian Christmas Challenge quiz below and find out! There are 25 questions that will each give you one word of a final password riddle. This answer to this final riddle is the password to unlock “Noble Memories.”

If you don’t know the answer to one of the questions, open a new tab and look around on this website – all answers can be found somewhere on! Good places to check are the “Worlds” page, old blog posts, and my Cadaerian short stories.

It’s been a lot of fun to write and create this contest; I hope you enjoy the challenge and your Christmas present at the end. Merry Christmas, and happy reading!


Your Score:  

Your Ranking:  


Savvy Saturday – Main Character Reveal!

Christmas is fast approaching, and with it, the revelation of (some of) my new short stories! As a teaser, this week’s Savvy Saturday post gives a brief glimpse into the main characters of the stories I’ve been working on most recently. This includes characters you’ve met already (Eshmait from “Noble Memories” and Nikso from “Wolf Who Overcomes”) as well as some new faces…including a first look at Wittanruahk (Witt), the main character of my current work in progress! Are you ready? Then let’s go!

Noble Memories – A Fairy Tale of Cadaeren

Eshmait: The fabled son of Lord and Lady Eshmait, this young man’s story has enchanted the children of Cadaeren for hundreds of years. Like any fairy-tale hero, Eshmait has more noble traits than flaws. Besides his shamai talents – which include spinning rainbows out of mist and, more impressively, bringing clarity to old, faded memories – Eshmait is portrayed as being good, kind, trusting, and generous. It is an overabundance of these traits, rather than actual character flaws, that gets him in trouble throughout the story. Many listeners, for this reason, tend to sympathize more with the more human character in the story: Maretzai.

Maretzai: The eldest of seven peasant sisters, Maretzai is a resourceful, stubborn, aretz healer who harbors a deep sense of guilt regarding her parents’ death years before. Separated once from her sisters when it was discovered that she was an aretz, she is now willing to do whatever it takes to keep her family together – even if it means breaking the law. Some versions of the story of the White Prince tone down Maretzai’s anger toward Cadaeren’s nobility at the beginning of the tale in a blatant attempt to purge the story of any elements that could be harmful to the stability of Cadaeren’s stratified class system. Many of Cadaeren’s lords, however, continue to approve the story in its original version, believing that Maretzai’s character development and the ultimate outcome of the tale contributes a stronger, more positive message regarding Cadaeren’s nobility than could any more sanitized version of the tale.

Wolf Who Overcomes – A Story of Alepago

Nikso: At twelve years old, Nikso knows that she isn’t cut out to be a hunter of Toranquano. Hunters are brave and strong and respected by everyone; they’re chosen by the Great Wolf spirit to keep his people safe and bring him glory through victory. Nikso is none of those things. She is a skilled runner, to be sure, with a keen sense of direction, good tracking skills, and the ability to travel for long distances without tiring. But ever since her father was killed by a bear, she has been known as Nikso the timid – just the opposite of what the Great Wolf values in his people. As Nikso goes on her Lone Hunt, a rite of passage for every young Toranquanois, she secretly yearns for the opportunity to prove herself. The opportunity that comes, however, is as deadly as it is unexpected…

Work in Progress – A Story of Cadaeren

Wittanruahk: Known as Witt to his friends and family (and as “that crazy ruahk white-sash with the loon” to his enemies), Wittanruahk’s mission in life is to uncover the truth behind all of Cadaeren’s innumerable tales and legends – because the truth is often even stranger than the stories. Easily distracted, constantly on the move, eager for adventure, and always optimistic, Witt collects dangerous experiences like shamais collect books and aretzes collect herbs: compulsively. Thus far, his own intuition, cleverness, ruahk powers, and sheer luck have kept him alive, but given his inability to stick to a plan and his tendency to leap before he looks, Witt may one day find himself in more trouble than even he can get himself out of.


“Noble Memories” (formerly titled “The White Prince”) will be made available on Christmas Day 2014 to anyone who answers all questions of the Cadaeren Christmas Challenge, which will be posted here on the blog as well as permanently on the Quiz page of this website. “Wolf Who Overcomes” will be sent as a special Christmas present to the three fastest people to post the answer to any two (or more) of the questions of the Cadaerian Christmas Challenge on the A.L. Phillips facebook page. Excited? Have questions? Let me know what you think in the comments section below!

Savvy Saturday – Wolf Who Overcomes

I was delighted to receive word this past week that the first story in my new five-part Alepago novella will be given an honorable mention in a national contest later this year. Since it’s the Christmas season (*cough* and to give you all a sneak peek at what you might win if you participate in the Christmas Cadaeren Challenge / Treasure Hunt *cough*), I thought I’d give you a special brief sneak preview from this story, featuring my newest fantasy world and its inhabitants. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas!


Wolf Who Overcomes

A shooting star blazed across the night sky, leaving behind a brilliant white trail of good luck. Nikso gasped at the sight. Not only was this the thirty-fourth star spirit that had raced through the sky since Grandfather Sun had set that evening, it was also the largest she had ever seen in her life.

Something unusual had to be happening in the spirit realms tonight. Something important. Nikso had no idea what sort of event might spur so many stars to travel tonight, but she was grateful for the blessings that they left behind to fall on Mother Earth – and on her. As the shooting star’s trail faded, the twelve-year-old girl turned her palms and face skyward and breathed in deeply, eager to receive its good luck.

She would need it for the day ahead.

Nikso held her position for a long moment, savoring the brisk mountain air that smelled of trees and the smoke from the small campfire she had built. Finally, she exhaled, murmuring thanks to the star spirit. As she spoke the ritual words, the girl could almost feel the star’s radiance soaking in through her walnut-brown skin. She smiled, the curled-lip grimace of the Toranquanois that mimicked their totem, the Great Wolf Wayowano.

The blessings of the stars were with her. When the morning came, and with it the long-awaited day of her Lone Hunt, she was sure that she would succeed in bringing down a deer. Or maybe, if she were lucky, even an elk. She could just imagine the look of pride on her mother’s face, the approval in the Wolf Shaman’s eyes, and – wonder of wonders – the acceptance of the silver-furred Great Wolf himself as he appeared to her, whispered her new name in her ear, and received her oath of allegiance as a loyal runner. How the other runners from her village would stare! Nikso the timid would be forgotten; she would be known to all as Nikso the huntress…


Like it? Hate it? Want to know what happens next? Leave a comment below – I’d love to hear from you!

Christmas Treasure Hunt Update

Have you been keeping up with the Christmas Treasure Hunt on Facebook? If you’ve missed a question or two, here are the ones that have been posted since last Saturday. The answers to all these questions can be found somewhere on this website. Keep track of your answers – on Christmas Day, you’ll be able to use them to unlock the Cadaerian fairy tale of the White Prince!

Between now and Christmas, remember to check the A.L. Phillips Facebook page every day for a new question to answer – the first people to answer may find themselves with a bonus prize at Christmas!

Question 7: What is the name of the mountain range that is home to a dangerous race of fire spiders?

Question 8: While earth mages have the power to heal, fire mages have a power known as ______ ______, which gives them magical insight.

Question 9: Since Laeshana graduated from the College of Magic, she is now a member of the Order of the ____ ______.

Question 10: Before Naruahn lived at the Temple of the Elements, where did he call home?

Question 11: How many members of the Tonzimmelian syndicate went on the “simple” mission to conduct forced negotiations with the inventor Mikaesh?


Savvy Saturday – Christmas Treasure Hunt!

Happy December! It’s the month of giving, of joy to the world, and of intriguing interactive treasure hunts! What, you say? Intriguing interactive treasure hunts aren’t typically part of Christmas festivities? Well, they are now!

Twenty-five questions, ranging in difficulty from so-easy-a-badger-could-do-it to are-you-sure-a-hoshek-didn’t-make-this-up challenging, will be posted on this site and on Facebook between now and Christmas. Don’t worry – the answers to all the questions CAN be found on this website.

When you’ve completed the treasure hunt, the answers to the questions will be able to be used to unlock a password that you can use at this link to access an exclusive new story – a familiar fairy tale with a Cadaerian twist. (Impatient? View the first page of the story here!)

And, for a final bonus, anyone who is among the first three people to post a correct answer to any two of these questions on the A.L. Phillips Facebook page will get an additional bonus Christmas present! Yes, it will include extra writing. No, you won’t want to miss it. (So you could be first on one question and third on another, and you’d be eligible. If you’re fourth the first twenty-three times, however, you’ll need to post really fast in the last two or it won’t count!)

So what are we waiting for? Let’s get started!

Week 1 (belated)

Question 1: What is the name of the main character of The Quest of the Unaligned?

Question 2: What is this character’s job in Tonzimmel, including rank and company worked for?

Question 3: In Cadaeren, a mage aligned with earth is called a(n) ________, and the emblem of their contingent is a ____________.

Question 4: In what year was The Quest of the Unaligned published?

Question 5: What subject in college inspired A.L. Phillips to create the two cultures of Tonzimmel and Cadaeren?

Question 6: What language inspired the names and titles in The Quest of the Unaligned?

Do you know? Submit your guesses on the A.L. Phillips Facebook page – if you’re among the first three to answer any two questions right, you’ll find yourself on the list to receive a bonus Christmas present! Even if you don’t get the ruahk-speedy prize, however, remember to keep your answers handy: you’ll need them to unlock the fairy tale on Christmas Day! Good luck and happy treasure-hunting!